Casey and I became regulars at Moe's Valley about 3 years ago when we first started dating. It was my first experience with climbing, my first taste of the failure, trying over and over, and my first taste of success. Of course this led to my love of bouldering! I have great memories with B-ridge and Ali of first projecting V1's, then V2's and finally V3's and beyond! Casey and I have been discussing lately how awesome that time was, especially because we had the best core of climbing friends anyone could ask for. I seriously felt so legit when I was sending my first V1s because there were so many people cheering all the time. It was so exhilarating and great!
A few years have passed since that time and a lot of our buddies from that climbing crew have moved away to new fun adventures, but we are still enjoying our little trips to good ol' Moes Valley. Especially when Tommy and Bridget get to come down with us! How awesome is it that despite living 3 hours apart, they are still our best friends and climbing partners?! We love them a lot.
The last few weekends in December we have been heading down to the warmer/dryer temps of St. George and enjoying some of the old and some new boulder problems there. Casey's projects are very temperature dependent, so we've worked out a good system of me climbing while it's warm and then he climbs when the sun is starting to set and the temps improve. You'd think it might get old climbing at the same place year after year, but we are still having a blast! I have been climbing some great new problems that I love because they are inspiring to me and motivating through these cold winter months. I've found a new challenge with climbing since I've started teaching is maintaining psych and working out during the week when I don't get as many chances to get outside. (Kind of off the subject, but we are so excited for Derek's new garage renovations!!!!!) I love it when I have a specific project to work towards that pushes my limits.
Here are a few pics of some things we have been doing at Moes.
Really fun V3 called Sidewinder Eyes kind of near the Device Ignitor boulder. Semi-powerful start moves to a nice easy top out. Totally my style. :)

The Goose, a really fun and unique v4 around the corner from the Swan. Turns out it's actually much easier when you climb it at the start of the day instead of the end!
Casey is getting super close to sending Settlers of Catan V11!
Tommy impressed us once again as he flashed Petri Dish V6.
And then he sent Spectro V6/8!
I almost sent my cave project. Fell on one of the last moves! So exciting! I'm pretty sure I love it as much as Device Ignitor middle. It's great because it's working my endurance and my core big time, which I need. Very very fun movement. Lame name though. V5. How much more boring of a name could you get? Maybe Bryce can think of something mind blowing.
Tommy pushed through sore fingertips to work on Casey's new line, Scavenger Soup. V8ish? Great line! Highly recommended. Just look at it! Awesome!!
And a fun V3 warm up on the No Mind boulder.
Schedule for this week:
Tomorrow: Derek's garage and Moe's Valley
Tuesday: Derek's totally rad garage!!!
Thursday-Saturday: RED ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!